CBD Critical XXL© Autoflower

CBD Critical XXL fem x BCN Critical XXL Auto

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Pack: 3
  • 1 Seed 9.50€
  • 3 Seeds 19.00€
  • 5 Seeds 28.50€
  • 25 Seeds 99.00€


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Life cycle: 11 weeks
Grow type: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant: Indica
Yield: Massive
THC: Low, less than 14%
Flavor: Pine
Effect: Relaxing
Experience: Beginner
Life cycle: 11 weeks
Grow type: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant: Indica
Yield: Massive
THC: Low, less than 14%
Flavor: Pine
Effect: Relaxing
Experience: Beginner

CBD Critical XXL© Autoflower

CBD Critical XXL is one of the best performing CBD genetics out there – consistently producing frosty buds and heavy yields. Thanks to the diligent work of our breeders, this wonderful genetic can now be grown as an autoflowering strain! We have achieved the impossible: making an easy-to-grow genetic even easier to grow.

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Details of CBD Critical XXL© Autoflower

Life cycle 11 weeks
Grow type Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant Indica
Yield Massive
THC Low, less than 14%
Flavor Pine
Effect Relaxing
Experience Beginner

Genètica de la varietat Critical

El cor ancestral de la varietat autoflorescent CBD Critical XXL, és Critical +, una selecció de la varietat Critical d’un cultivador de Bilbao. La Critical + ha guanyat diversos premis, incloent la 1ra. Copa Highlife de Barcelona i s’ha convertit en una genètica bàsica a nivell local. La Critical + sembla una sativa, creix com una sativa i fa que aquest tret del seu caràcter es mantingui definitivament a la CBD Critical XXL. Els locals adoren les varietats Critical pel seu dolç i deliciós sabor que s’inclina cap als tons cítrics i pel seu potent efecte. Mentre que la Critical + és una genètica amb alta producció de THC, la CBD Critical XXl ha estat creuada amb una varietat de cànem europea certificada i, després, refinada i seleccionada per poder trobar els nivells consistentment alts de CBD i baixos de THC. A l’incorporar una genètica ruderalis al programa de breeding, hem sigut capaços de produir i oferir una genètica CBD increïblement potent amb una gran producció, gust a caramel, no fotoperiódica i, que fent-la créixer al clima idoni, pot ser cultivada quasi durant tot l’any.

Auto CBD Critical XXL, floració i temps de floració

Igual que la versió feminitzada de la CBD Critical XXL, aquesta varietat autoflorescent demostrarà la seva ascendència sativa Critical + a través del seu estirament durant la floració, tot i ser una híbrida de predominança índica. Per això, el fet de donar molt d’espai vertical a una planta que és genèticament alta, és una necessitat. Per altra banda, l’Auto CBD critical XXL reaccionarà bé a un entrenament, fet que pot ajudar si es troba en espais amb restriccions d’alçada. La CBD Critical XXL estarà llesta per la collita al cap d’unes 8-9 setmanes després de l’inici de la floració. Encara que aquesta genètica pot tolerar una dosis de nutrients més gran, un règim de nutrients lleugers serà tot el què necessitarà per a que la planta gaudeixi d’una bona salut i tingui un creixement sòlid.


Aroma of the dried buds

The dried buds maintain their syrupy, blueberry sweetness whilst also developing an earthy and woody aroma that is really noticeable in Blue Moby’s thick smoke.


Encara que és potent en cannabinoides, una gran part del que ha fet que les varietats de cannabis critical siguin tan populars a Barcelona, és el seu gust i la seva olor. De la varietat CBD Critical XXL, pots esperar obtenir una increïble dolçor i uns aromes lleugers a caramel. El pinè i els tons cítrics mantenen els aromes lleugers, frescos i deliciosament potents. Tenir cura de tenir un sistema adequat d’eliminació d’olors serà vital pel cultiu interior d’aquesta genètica. I serà potent en cannabinoides.

Comprar les llavors autolforescents CBD Critical XXL de Seedstocker

Les llavors autoflorescents CBD Critical XXL de Seedstockers son imprescindibles en la col·lecció de qualsevol cultivador. És una genètica fàcil de cultivar amb la qual, tant principiants com veterans, estaran encantats; té una producció satisfactòria de flors riques en CBD que tenen un gust increïble!

Cultivation manual

How to grow Blue Moby

Blue Moby is an incredibly easy seed that, as our tests show, will produce huge amounts of potent weed with even the smallest amount of nutrients. 
 This is to say that Blue Moby is not a heavy feeder, despite producing killer yields. Defoliation is key for a variety of reasons, but mostly to help maximize the yield, and therefore we recommend that you become familiar with this technique.

Flowering period

The first phenotype took a relatively short time to finish at about 75 days. However, the second pheno would have probably been happier with a full 90 – 100 day cycle for optimum results. That being said, the yield of both strains is worth the wait if you can afford the longer flowering time. The second phenotype also needs an extended preflowering period, and should be given enough time to mature properly so you can really see what she has to offer.

Vegetative phase

Blue Moby’s first phenotype will take just 4 weeks before hardcore flowering starts to happen. 
The second phenotype might start showing flowering signs at 5 weeks but won’t start really picking up pace until weeks 6 or 7.

What nutrients does Blue Moby need?

These plants were cultivated in generic 1.8-2-2 potting soil. 1g dolomite lime / litre of soil was used as a source of calcium and magnesium.
 Although they didn’t require any nutrients other than those that were already in the soil during the vegetative phase, these plants accepted all the additional nutrients that they were given. Extra phosphorus and potassium are recommended during the flowering in order to increase yields and boost potency.

Top tips

Top tips on how to grow Blue Moby indoors

Indoor growers will also benefit from lots of defoliation. Having larger-sized containers is also recommended to minimise the watering frequency later into the flowering. 
You need to keep in mind that Blue Moby sucks up water like crazy towards the end of its maturation.

Top tips on how to grow Blue Moby outdoors

Lots of defoliation of both phenos will be required in order to get the maximum yield. This beauty has a ton of nodes, which translates into giant yields, but they need lots of support.
 The first pheno usually does a good job of supporting herself, whereas supporting the second pheno is definitely a must.

Top Tips for Small Growers

If you're dealing with a small space, it might be worth planting several seeds and then select the first pheno and cull the second type.

You'll miss out on nothing while benefitting from the biggest possible yields of the very best buds. This is easily done since you can tell the two phenos apart early into the flowering.

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