Fast flowering seeds

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Mochi Gelato X Forbidden Fruit (Fast Version)

  • Only 6-7 weeks flowering!
  • Balanced energy & calm
  • Earthy, fruity notes
Indoor/Outdoor Hybrid Fruity Active
In stock

Kritikal Bilbo X Critical Mas FAST

  • Perfect for indoors & out
  • Flowers in 7-8 weeks!
  • Abundant and easy to grow
Indoor/Outdoor Hybrid THC Rich Spicy Relaxing
In stock

Fast flowering seeds have given another twist to the genetic advances that have been developed in the cannabis market in the last decades. These are fast flowering strains that have made life easier for thousands of growers. The reason? Quite simply, these varieties offer all the advantages of feminized strains, reducing their flowering period, which means that they will be ready to harvest sooner. This has been a great advantage for growers who live in regions with cold climates and short summers, or for those who want to make the maximum of annual harvests.

Fast Cannabis Varieties

We felt the need to create varieties that reduce the risks in the last weeks of flowering outdoors (when the autumn rains arrive and the buds are denser and tighter), so the Seedstockers team of breeders started working hard.

The result has been spectacular: genetics that considerably reduce the flowering time of their feminized predecessors, while maintaining the same quality parameters of these legendary strains. Thus was born our catalog of Fast varieties. Let's clear some doubts about the characteristics of these varieties.

What are Fast flowering strains?

Since the appearance of the quickest autoflowering seeds uk, growers have had many doubts and haven't understood what exactly these genetics are and how they behave. Fast marijuana genetics are the result of a cross between a photodependent feminized and an autoflowering, or sometimes between a photodependent and a Fast.

To create our Fast catalog, we use really special feminized photodependent genetics and cross them with elite autoflowering. Why? To ensure that the offspring retain the traits that have made its photodependent parent so well known, while adding the fast flowering time of the Auto parent. The result is a faster version of the classic feminized varieties, a hybrid with one or two weeks less of flowering that allows multiple advantages.

Northern Lights Auto

What are Fast flowering strains?

Since the appearance of the quickest autoflowering seeds uk, growers have had many doubts and haven't understood what exactly these genetics are and how they behave. Fast marijuana genetics are the result of a cross between a photodependent feminized and an autoflowering, or sometimes between a photodependent and a Fast.

To create our Fast catalog, we use really special feminized photodependent genetics and cross them with elite autoflowering. Why? To ensure that the offspring retain the traits that have made its photodependent parent so well known, while adding the fast flowering time of the Auto parent. The result is a faster version of the classic feminized varieties, a hybrid with one or two weeks less of flowering that allows multiple advantages.

Are fast growing weed seeds varieties Photo-dependent?

Yes, this is the most common concern among users interested in trying these cannabis jewels. The fast growing cannabis seeds are NOT autoflower seeds, that is to say, to pass from the vegetative period to the flowering period they will need a change in the light cycle: from 18 hours of light and 6 of darkness (for the growth phase), to 12/12 for them to start flowering. Therefore these varieties are NOT like the autoflowering genetics, which start to develop buds from about the 30th day of life regardless of the hours of light received. The Fast strains behave just like the photodependent feminized strains of all life.

The main feature that differentiates these versions is their fast flowering period, which is shortened by about 7 - 14 days depending on the variety. The main reason to choose a Fast instead of an Auto is that with them you have control over the size of the plant. Autoflowering plants do not usually get too big because, as mentioned before, their growth period is only about 4 weeks.

On the other hand, with the Fast varieties you can decide the size of the plant. The only thing that will change is that once the flowering starts, it will last less time. Therefore, you can make of a Fast seed a plant as big as the famous trees that we are used to see in American crops; you just have to have foresight and play with the vegetative period. Moreover, growing weed seeds fast floweringoutdoors means less risk of the plant contracting fungi and diseases at the most crucial and vulnerable moment: at the end of flowering.

Are fast growing weed seeds varieties Photo-dependent? ​

Yes, this is the most common concern among users interested in trying these cannabis jewels. The fast growing cannabis seeds are NOT autoflower seeds, that is to say, to pass from the vegetative period to the flowering period they will need a change in the light cycle: from 18 hours of light and 6 of darkness (for the growth phase), to 12/12 for them to start flowering. Therefore these varieties are NOT like the autoflowering genetics, which start to develop buds from about the 30th day of life regardless of the hours of light received. The Fast strains behave just like the photodependent feminized strains of all life.

The main feature that differentiates these versions is their fast flowering period, which is shortened by about 7 - 14 days depending on the variety. The main reason to choose a Fast instead of an Auto is that with them you have control over the size of the plant. Autoflowering plants do not usually get too big because, as mentioned before, their growth period is only about 4 weeks.

On the other hand, with the Fast varieties you can decide the size of the plant. The only thing that will change is that once the flowering starts, it will last less time. Therefore, you can make of a Fast seed a plant as big as the famous trees that we are used to see in American crops; you just have to have foresight and play with the vegetative period. Moreover, growing weed seeds fast floweringoutdoors means less risk of the plant contracting fungi and diseases at the most crucial and vulnerable moment: at the end of flowering.

Are fast growing weed seeds varieties Photo-dependent? ​

Yes, this is the most common concern among users interested in trying these cannabis jewels. The fast growing cannabis seeds are NOT autoflower seeds, that is to say, to pass from the vegetative period to the flowering period they will need a change in the light cycle: from 18 hours of light and 6 of darkness (for the growth phase), to 12/12 for them to start flowering. Therefore these varieties are NOT like the autoflowering genetics, which start to develop buds from about the 30th day of life regardless of the hours of light received. The Fast strains behave just like the photodependent feminized strains of all life.

The main feature that differentiates these versions is their fast flowering period, which is shortened by about 7 - 14 days depending on the variety. The main reason to choose a Fast instead of an Auto is that with them you have control over the size of the plant. Autoflowering plants do not usually get too big because, as mentioned before, their growth period is only about 4 weeks.

On the other hand, with the Fast varieties you can decide the size of the plant. The only thing that will change is that once the flowering starts, it will last less time. Therefore, you can make of a Fast seed a plant as big as the famous trees that we are used to see in American crops; you just have to have foresight and play with the vegetative period. Moreover, growing weed seeds fast floweringoutdoors means less risk of the plant contracting fungi and diseases at the most crucial and vulnerable moment: at the end of flowering.

What are the advantages of fast varieties cultivated outdoors?

These strains are ideal for outdoor growers living in northern regions where summers are short, as Fast strains allow cultivators to harvest earlier and thus avoid the rains and the autumn cold.

Even so, outdoor harvests with Fast genetics will be abundant, because these genetics are vigorous and, as we mentioned before, the grower has control over the size of the plant. They are simply a good way to ensure that the crop is not ruined by bad weather. Let's remember that one of the worst enemies of cannabis outdoors are fungi in the last stage of flowering: when the buds are denser and the rains and humidity begin.

What are the advantages of growing Fast varieties indoors?

Fast varieties can be an excellent choice for indoor growing:
● You can control their growth, and therefore their size (in closets and grow rooms it is not convenient to have too large plants that can cause space problems).
● They are suitable for making mother plants: in this way you can keep those phenotypes that give the best results to replicate them.
● Clones can be made.
● They are vigorous and resistant genetics

Essentially, with the Fast you can do the same as with the common photodependent feminized seeds (because, in fact, they are almost the same). The only thing that will change is that the plants will be ready to cut about two weeks earlier. In this way, indoor crops can mean one more cycle per year. Therefore, the Fast genetics are an excellent way to increase the yield and production of your indoor.

Can I apply pruning and training techniques to fast growing cannabis seeds?

Yes, unlike the autoflowering genetics, the Fast versions can have all kinds of pruning or training techniques applied to achieve the desired result. The difference lies in the length of the vegetative period: with autos you only have about 30 days, so there is no time for pruning or other techniques such as LST guidance, and therefore it makes no sense.

With Fast genetics, however, this does not happen, because you can extend the growth phase of the plant as much as you want, giving it plenty of time to recover. Therefore, with Fast genetics, you can use nets, tutors, pruning, LST, and all the techniques that are applied to common photodependent feminized strains.

Fast varieties of 7 weeks of flowering (49 days)​

In our catalog of Fast marijuana seeds you will find varieties whose flowering period has been shortened to only 7 weeks. This means that, unlike other photodependent feminized strains, these varieties will only take 49 days to complete the flowering period and have their resinous buds ready to harvest.

Fast varieties of 7 weeks of flowering (49 days)

In our catalog of Fast marijuana seeds you will find varieties whose flowering period has been shortened to only 7 weeks. This means that, unlike other photodependent feminized strains, these varieties will only take 49 days to complete the flowering period and have their resinous buds ready to harvest.

Growing autoflowerings outdoors

Everything rests on the climate of the region where you want to plant your autoflowering grow. Automatic strains are especially successful in warm areas with mild winters, where they can be grown for months beyond the summer, producing up to three harvests per year. 

- Mediterranean climate:You can sow your first crop between mid-April and early May, when the frost season is over and the days are longer. This way, you’ll be harvesting in late July, and you can sow again in early August (so you would be harvesting again in October). 

- Atlantic or continental climate:This climate involves lots of rain, less sun, and shorter summers. Therefore, you can usually only grow one crop per year. Ideally, you want to sow at the beginning of June so that you’re ready to harvest in late August. 

The summer season is when autos work best outdoors because a number of factors come together at that time, allowing them to develop to their full potential. During this period of the year, the sun shines brighter, so the solar radiation received by the leaves is greater. The same thing happens with light intensity. If we add the fact that it’s brighter for longer throughout the day, what is the result? That the plants’ yielding capacity soars to higher heights.

Growing autoflowerings indoors

Autoflowering plants flower automatically in any light/darkness cycle, which means that, when you’re growing indoors, you don’t need to change the photoperiod for them to start the flowering process. The more hours of light they receive (as long as it’s above 12 hours per day), the more efficient their performance will be. 

You can maintain a stable cycle of 18/6, 20/4, or 22/2 throughout their full life cycle, depending on how much you’re happy to spend on electricity. Some growers expose them to 24 hours of light from the very beginning until harvest time, but this is not usually recommended because the plants also need some rest and time to recover. 

Nonetheless, many growers who have experimented with 24/0 and 18/6 light cycles claim that they didn’t notice any major differences in the final yield, so the decision depends on the specific strain that you’re growing and on your particular growing circumstances.

Cookies Fast Fem

Cookies Fast Fem

When our technical team started the breeding process for this variety, we had a very clear objective: to maintain the organoleptic qualities of this strain and make it possible for growers from all over the world to enjoy them. After a lot of selection and breeding work, we are very proud of the result.

Cookies Fast Fem is the result of crossing Girl Scout Cookies AUTO and Cookies and Cream Fast, two pedigree strains famous for the quality of their taste and aroma. In this way, we have managed to maintain the virtues that have made Cookies a "must" for growers around the world, while shortening its flowering period. Those growers who live in cold regions will be able to obtain quality harvests without having to worry about the dreaded autumn rains.

This strain is 100% photodependent and generous harvests can be obtained if given a long growing period. It is true that the varieties of the Cookies family are not known for being the most productive, but they are known for the high quality of their harvests; this is an indica-dominant hybrid ideal for users with sybaritic palates.

Effects and Flavors of Cookies Fast Fem

This variety has nothing to envy to its predecessors in terms of potency, because its THC levels are around 20%. A powerful effect that should be taken into account in the case of novice consumers, or for those with a low tolerance to the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Its potency causes a very pleasant physical relaxation, ideal to consume at the end of the day to relieve stress, or to induce a good night's sleep.

The taste of Cookies genetics is the feature that has elevated them to the podium of the winners on multiple occasions. For this reason we decided to create this Fast version, which maintains that exquisite sweet and creamy pastry flavor, on an earthy and spicy kush background.

Fast varieties of 8 weeks of flowering (56 days)

While photoperiod strains require a complex nutritional strategy that changes throughout their life cycle, the autoflowering varieties can cope with a reduced diet thanks to their resistant genetics. Fertilise them in moderation! This means that you shouldn’t follow the manufacturer’s dosage guidelines by the book. As their roots are smaller, you only need to use 50% (or even 25%) of the recommended dose. 

Given that the automatic varieties mature according to their age, any nutritional stress that they have to face (such as over-fertilisation) can greatly slow them down if not managed properly. And remember: it’s always easier to fix a nutrient deficit than to try to rectify a nutrient excess. 

Nonetheless, some autoflowering varieties, such as our Gorilla Glue Auto and Bruce Banner Auto, are voracious beasts that require a stronger dose. But make sure you try small amounts first before moving on to larger doses..

How to water autoflowering strains

Try to avoid making your watering regime complicated. It’s always good advice to keep things as simple as possible, especially at the beginning of your plants’ life. In the case of autos, it is better to irrigate them with less water but more often to promote oxygenation. If there is something that can be problematic for them is a waterlogged substrate, which could lead to a stop in growth. 

As a guideline, try to ensure that the plants don’t lack moisture, but that the pots aren’t too heavy. And avoid stressing the plants by making sure the nutrient solution is at a temperature of 22-23°C before watering, because the pH is also affected when the temperature fluctuates outside this optimal range.

Fast varieties of 8 weeks of flowering (56 days)

Among our Fast 8-week flowering varieties you will find fast versions of varieties famous for their excellent qualities. If you want to have your harvest ready in just 56 days without sacrificing the best quality, take a look at the following cannabis gems.

BCN Critical XXL Fast Fem

Among our Fast 8-week flowering varieties you will find fast versions of varieties famous for their excellent qualities. If you want to have your harvest ready in just 56 days without giving up the best quality, take a look at the following cannabis jewels: This hybrid is the result of crossing our elite clone of Kritical Bilbo and Critical Mas FAST. The result is a strain that produces huge amounts of buds full of resin, but in less time! It is therefore a variety for those who love this genetics for its multiple qualities but do not have the usual time to grow it, or simply want to complete more indoor cycles per year.

It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. And it should be noted that it has a great advantage especially outdoors, since one of the risks of Critical genetics is that they develop very dense, heavy buds, completely covered with resin. Although the density of its flowers is what has made many growers fall in love with it, it is also a danger because it can be the ideal home for fungi, especially when the harvest takes place in October (in the northern hemisphere). With this indica-dominant hybrid we have eliminated about two weeks of worries; this big producer will be ready to harvest in September without having to give up those breathtakingly dense buds.

Gelato 41 Fast Fem

Effects and flavors of BCN Critical Fast Fem

The aroma of Critical xxl fast is very strong and fresh, it does not lose that characteristic perfume of Skunk and lemon that can be super penetrating and not very discreet in indoor crops. Its fragrance is delicious but lacking in discretion, carbon filters are an almost obligatory element.

Its effect is also remarkable, thanks to its indica dominance, this genetics produces a strong physical relaxation that can even be narcotic. It is a strain with high levels of THC highly recommended to combat muscle pain or to provide relief and disconnection in times of stress.

Gelato 41 FAST Fem

Another flavor that we could not resist was the most famous ice cream of the West Coast, we wanted to make it available to all users with a faster version. Gelato 41 FAST is the result of crossing our Gelato 41 fast with one of the best automatics in our catalog: Gelato 41 Auto.

The result is a hybrid whose flowering period has been reduced to only 56 days, while maintaining the quality and quantity of crops. Its buds are particularly hard and stand out for the large amount of trichomes that develop; it is a genetic that generates large quantities of flowers from both indoor and outdoor crops.

Flavors and Effects of Gelato 41 FAST Fem

The peculiarity of this genetic, and the one that has given it its name, is that its flavor is surprisingly reminiscent of a creamy ice cream. A delicious mixture with hints of caramel and citrus that has become one of our favorite flavors among all the genetics in our catalog.

The effect of Gelato 41 FAST is high-flying and we recommend to take caution if you do not consume cannabis regularly, because its THC levels, which are above 20%, can cause chaos. It is a genetic that produces a happy cerebral feeling at first and then gives way to a very pleasant body relaxation.

Sherbet Auto

Seedstockers’ classic autoflowering strains

The Seedstockers’ catalogue also includes a selection of classic genetics in their autoflowering version: the best known and most cultivated strains in the world; cannabis icons that have already reached legendary status and have received the most awards thanks to their exquisite taste and powerful effect. Without a doubt, this is the perfect result after mixing the best old school marijuana hybrids. 

A great example of these is Super Skunk Auto, a strain adored by recreational users which delivers a really astounding bodily effect and an invigorating mental experience. This is the perfect variety for special moments when you’re in need of a touch of happiness. Or Sour Diesel Auto, another cannabis legend that has gained many followers for its delicious flavour and powerful effect, becoming for years the favourite of many for embodying all the features of the best Californian weed. 

Other sure bets are our White Widow Auto and Moby Dick Auto. Just like the strains previously mentioned, and despite being considered more contemporary, these two cannabis jewels have earned a place amongst the cannabis gods and are definitely here to stay.

Seedstockers Superior autoflowering strains

Last but not least, we couldn’t be prouder to present our Seedstockers superior genetic line: a selection of varieties created by our team of breeders. 

After sharing both genetic information and selection and stabilisation knowledge, and based on many different crosses, we have selected the following 5 hybrids: Panty Punch Auto, Blue Moby Auto, Mack and Crack Auto, Thunder Banana Auto, and Apollo Black Cherry Auto. These represent everything that can be expected from a collaboration between breeders in possession of the best possible genetics, and our own breeders, who are among the best seed producers in the world. With amazing flavours, exceptional yielding potential, and a very competitive price, they are genetics with remarkable terpene and cannabinoid profiles which bring something really new to the cannabis community. 

As you can see, Seedstockers offers a wide selection of autoflower strains for every taste, with an extensive range of flavours and properties that stand out for their balance and complexity, and which are ideal for novice and expert growers alike. 

So don’t hesitate: if you really want to succeed in the wonderful world of autoflowerings and benefit from the best price on the market, you’ve certainly come to the right place!