Moby Dick Autoflower

White Widow x Haze Auto

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Pack: 3
  • 1 Seed 11.50€
  • 3 Seeds 23.00€
  • 5 Seeds 34.50€
  • 25 Seeds 139.00€


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Life cycle: 11 weeks
Grow type: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant: Hybrid
Yield: Huge
THC: High (20 - 26%)
Flavor: Candy
Effect: Happy Chill
Experience: Beginner
Life cycle: 11 weeks
Grow type: Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant: Hybrid
Yield: Huge
THC: High (20 - 26%)
Flavor: Candy
Effect: Happy Chill
Experience: Beginner

Moby Dick Auto

La llavor Moby Dick Auto de Seedstockers forma part d’una genètica que cap cultivador vol perdre’s. Representa dècades de treball dur i la seva genètica beu de tot el món per tal de produir un dels exemples més espectaculars de genètica sativa domesticada disponible avui en dia. Una planta que floreix ràpidament, amb una producció exageradament pesant i que fa que sigui una varietat emocionant de cultivar i que s’hagi convertit en una de les preferides dels consumidors.

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Details of Moby Dick Autoflower

Life cycle 11 weeks
Grow type Indoor/Outdoor
Dominant Hybrid
Yield Huge
THC High (20 - 26%)
Flavor Candy
Effect Happy Chill
Experience Beginner

Moby Dick Strain Genetics

Seedstockers Moby Dick strain is the prodigal daughter of White Widow. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, White Widow was the source of tons of buzz within the industry. Everyone wanted to get their hands on a cut of the original widow. Since then its won cup after cup, for the devastatingly snow covered buds it produces and for its powerful and long lasting effects. By crossing White Widow with an unknown Haze variety (probably an original haze acquired from the Haze brothers) we’ve created a mind-bending and super psychedelic, autoflowering, sativa genetic..

Top tips

Cultivation Characteristics

A result of half a century of dedicated breeding, Moby Dick Autoflower seeds express some of the most desired traits in terms of cultivation – including a nonphotoperiodic trait, making this genetic suitable for growing nearly all over the world regardless of how much sunlight you might get. Vegetating plants will benefit and respond happily to cropping and training of the branches. Expect sturdy branching structures that will absolutely hold up massive amounts of weight; this said, the gigantic and heavy harvests of the most sought after buds means constructing support latices and structures is vital when growing the Moby Dick strain. Thanks to the nonphotoperiodic trait, expect plants to begin flowering about 4 - 5 weeks after germination. This is genetic has a phenomenally short flowering time for a sativa genetic, and in fact those in the know might leave their plants to go an extra week or two still if they want to really bring out the very best of the award winning ancestry found in Moby Dick.

Cannabinoid and Terpene profile

Moby Dick Autoflower seeds will produce incredibly powerful and potent buds. The number of trichomes that give the snow covered appearance are powerhouses of cannabinoid and terp production. THC levels can top out at 26%+ and in some cases even trace amounts of THCV have been reported as being present – this may partially account for why the experience and effects are so psychedelic and powerful. Expect incredible vanilla and sugary flavors. While other genetics can sometimes be over powering in their odor – the Moby Dick strain is light and sweet in a way that many consumers find refreshing. Some users have described Moby Dick as citric with eucalyptus blended in.

Moby Dick Autoflower Strain Effects

Moby Dick is a knock-your-socks-off genetic. It hits the head hard and quick, and is quite stimulating. Despite how powerful the effects are, many users find themselves very productive and ready to move. The incredible ancestral background of the Moby Dick Strain means a long lasting punch, too. This is the kind of ganja that will leave you high hours after the last toke.

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